Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is the most popular and classic form of the soft tissue techniques.  A very effective method of relieving muscle tension, our Swedish Massage will leave you feeling relaxed and energized.

There are five variations of Swedish:

Effleurage is a French word meaning to glide, stroke or touch. This is good for conforming to the contour of small areas, such as the neck or the forearm. When applied as a long stroke, it tends to cover the entire limb in a movement toward the heart. The pressure typically begins with a light but firm stroke to apply oil with pressure increasing with each pass along the limb, back or chest. Effleurage helps coax a stressed client into a state or pure relaxation.

Petrissage is a French word meaning to knead. Petrissage works a specific area with increased pressure and is used after the tissue is warmed up (through effleurage). This technique includes: muscle squeezing, muscle stripping, wringing, skin rolling, and a variety of kneading techniques. It sounds like it would hurt but it feels wonderful.  Skin rolling can be a little uncomfortable but only if your tissue is contracted.   This technique compresses, stretches and releases the tissue.

Tapotement (percussive strokes) using finger tips, cupped hands or ulnar surface of hand (karate chop hand) to deliver a stimulating effect to the back, legs, or bottoms of the feet.  It is used by some respiratory therapists to loosen phlegm congestion in the lungs.

Friction is performed by rubbing one surface over another to increase circulation and decrease adhesions. It is used for areas that have little or no blood supply such as ligaments and tendons.  Cross-fiber friction is used to reduce/realign scar tissue formation and can address deeper adhesions in muscle tissue.

Vibration is gentle rocking, jostling or a rapid shaking of the body or a limb.  A gentle rocking of the body by pushing and pulling it from side to side is very relaxing.  Jostling or rapid shaking of a limb or muscle body increases circulation.

History of Swedish Massage

Swedish physiologist and gymnastics instructor, Pehr Ling, became interested in some research and detailed writings regarding Chinese forms of massage and energy work. Ling choose five of the 84 techniques featured as the foundation for his study and integrated his findings with his knowledge of anatomy and physiology.  Ling’s system provided an effective form of physical rehabilitation.  Later, Dr. Johann Metzger, helped promote the therapy to the scientific community by presenting it as a form of medical treatment and utilizing language to help communication between physicians and early massage therapists.

Benefits of Swedish Massage


  • General relaxation
  • Circulation
  • Stimulation of muscle spindles
  • Stimulation of digestive tract
  • Stimulation of synovial fluid production in joints when applied with traction
  • Access to deeper structures such as hip rotators


  • Pain and anxiety
  • Trigger and tender point activity
  • Upper respiratory tract congestion, including sinus congestion

**Swedish Massage is a complement to standard medical care. It should not be construed as medical advice. It should not be a replacement to medical help.**

To schedule your Swedish Massage – Call Us Today 864-567-5901